Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Summer so Far

Includes comments of a unPC nature do not read if easily offended

The darling boy is out for the evening,I am home alone! so the Sauvignon Blanc has been hastily shoved the freezer and the well overdue update that pushes  the sad  'deleted'  post down my list can be written.
Aunty Peggy's funeral went well, if any of these events can be said to. It was a sadly small bunch of relatives that gathered to pay their respects. Beautiful flowers, uplifting hymms... Jerusalem, (she was that kind of woman) and a cream tea including scones and tiny sandwiches laid on by an accommodating local pub landlady (again, Peggy was that kind of woman!) I was very much the baby of my' generation' in the family , and still get called by the   nicknames of my childhood by the others. Its disconcerting to say the least, to be called the equivalent of bossy bessy in what is apparently an otherwise normal conversation with what i feel are my contemporaries. When  four of them began comparing hearing aids I realised that maybe I am not part of that club yet.
That week was hectic as the darling boy was in a production of Dr Faustus in which he played the lead. Its a huge part and he had worked very hard . He pulled it off magnificently! I was the proudest mother possible. Lots of his family and friends came to the theatre, and I was touched by how many people supported him . His sisters were as puffed up with pride as I was. Then at the end of the week SBF and I travelled to Wales for his nephews wedding. It was a great proper family do. SBF's 86 year old mother and I had far too much to drink and were no company to SBF on the long drive home as we were both snoring, swinging, suspended by our seatbelt sleeping dummies (apparently ...)
Anyhoo, moving swiftly on continued to be a source of stress, as the takeover and resultant staff departures began to bite. I will particlularly miss my adopted daughter at work, she took the opportunity of the golden handshakes offered to go back to uni to get her PGCE. I told her she had given me  all the pleasure of a daughter everyday, without the annoyance of wet towels on the floor  and tweezer stealing. She told me I had given her mother something to aspire to and that she had also saved me the trouble of sleeping with a black man (she is mixed race).
Seriously, not be be overly dramatic (moi?), work will never be the same again. Which is sad as I loved my job. Loved the gypsey nature of my campus to campus week and the different atmosphere at each.
I am trying hard to put all thoughts of my return to work out of my head until the end of the summer.
Since then we have had D No 1's Bday brunch which included smoked salmon and champagne , I have taught her her well! and D No 2's Bday gathering at my house which included BBQ, Olympic medals, Fifty shades discussion ,(even my sister is reading it!),  fizz and falling down.
SBF and I are off on holiday to the Isle of Mull on Saturday. We went last year en famille with daughter No 1, her husband, his mother and sister,though sister went home in a huff after a few days (long story)
We had a great time. SBF and Son In Law loved each others company and did lots of boys stuff together, mainly photography related. Lovely for them as SIL lost his father at far  too young an age  7 years ago and SBF is estranged from his eldest son, who hasnt spoken to him for about 8 years. We plan to do the family hol again next year but this time SBF and I are going alone. Its a very beautiful island, stunning scenery and very few people! which is a big  selling point for us. Highspots for me last year were, a trip to Staffa to see Fingal's Cave, which was amazing in itself, but on the boat trip we were followed by a school of dolphins  who swam and leaped so close to our boat I could have touched them!  It was so moving for me I cried! Also  seeing Sea Eagles and Otters We all photographed everything with varying degrees of success, but even my piccies, with such fabulous subjects couldn't go far wrong.