Wednesday, 19 October 2011

I am not well.
 I have had a cough that a forty a day Capstan Full Strength smoker would be proud of , for over three weeks!
The good news is I think I am getting better
Had a good weekend in the North.
 Purchased wool to knit sculptorbf's  Christmas Surprise, a breast.. well a pair of...
Difficult conversation in the Wool Shop where I would normally exchange information regarding my project .
wool shop lady ...'are you knitting stripes?'
moi...'I am not really sure...'
my mind was playing out  a scene where i whipped up my top and said have you got any wool in 4 ply  to match these...
Anyway, the pattern is  easier that I first suspected and I think it will make an ideal gift for a breast loving partner

I can recommend the Ravelry Site for patterns of all sorts

Other than that we were lazy, chilled in bed watching Films and eating crackers, stilton, grapes and drinking port .
Sometimes my weekends sound a lot more fun than they were in real life. 
I am also aware that I am a v demanding woman